Day-0 | Python for DevOps Course Syllabus | Learn Python

Day-0 | Python for DevOps Course Syllabus | Learn Python

Day 1: Introduction to Python, Installation, and Configuration

  • Introduction to Python and its role in DevOps.

  • Installing Python and setting up a development environment.

  • Writing your first Python program.

Day 2: Working with Strings and Numbers

  • String data type in Python.

  • String manipulation and formatting.

  • Regular expressions for text processing.

  • Numeric data types in Python (int, float).

Day 3: Variables

  • Understanding variables in Python.

  • Variable scope and lifetime.

  • Variable naming conventions and best practices.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Using variables to store and manipulate configuration data in a DevOps context.

Day 4: Functions, Modules and Packages

  • What are differences between functions, modules and packages?

  • How to import a package?

  • What are Python workspaces?

Day 5: Environment Variables and Command Line Arguments

  • Reading and writing environment variables in Python.

  • Using the os and dotenv modules.

  • Securing sensitive information in environment variables.

  • Handling command line arguments in Python.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Developing a Python script that accepts command line arguments to customize DevOps automation tasks.

Day 6: Operators

  • Introduction to operators in Python.

  • Arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators.

  • Bitwise and assignment operators.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Using operators to perform calculations and comparisons in a DevOps script.

Day 7: Conditional Handling using if, elif and else

  • Conditional statements (if, elif, else).

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Automating a server shutdown if it's running out of disk space.

Day 8: Working with Lists (Part 1)

  • Understanding lists and list data structure.

  • List manipulation and common list operations.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Writing a script to manage a list of user accounts in a DevOps environment.

Day 9: Loops

  • Loops in Python (for and while).

  • Loop control statements (break, continue).

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Automating a log file analysis with a loop to find errors.

Day 10: Working with Lists (Part 2)

  • List comprehensions.

  • Nested lists and advanced list operations.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Parsing a complex configuration file with nested lists.

Day 11: Working with Dictionaries and Sets

  • Dictionaries and key-value pairs.

  • Sets and set operations.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Managing a dictionary of server configurations and optimizing retrieval.

Day 12: Functions and Modules

  • Introduction to functions in Python.

  • Writing functions and function parameters.

  • Return values and modular code.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Creating a function to automate server status checks.

Day 13: Functions and Modules (Part 2)

  • Advanced function topics (recursion, lambda functions).

  • Function libraries and built-in functions.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Developing a library of custom functions for DevOps automation.

Day 14: Python Libraries for DevOps (Part 1)

  • Introduction to external libraries like Paramiko, Fabric, and Boto3.

  • Automating SSH connections with Paramiko.

  • Running commands on remote servers.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Using Paramiko to create a secure remote backup solution.

Day 15: Python Libraries for DevOps (Part 2)

  • Using Fabric for remote task automation.

  • AWS automation with Boto3.

  • Managing EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and more.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Creating a Fabric script for deploying applications to remote servers.

Day 16: Working with RESTful APIs

  • Introduction to RESTful APIs.

  • Making HTTP requests using Python.

  • Parsing JSON responses and error handling.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Developing a script to monitor RESTful API endpoints for your DevOps tools.

Day 17: Data Serialization and Configuration Files

  • Serializing and deserializing data (JSON, YAML).

  • Managing configuration data.

  • DevOps use cases for configuration files.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Building a configuration manager to handle application settings in JSON format.

Day 18: Automation with Cron Jobs

  • Scheduling automated tasks using cron.

  • Creating Python scripts for scheduled automation.

  • Handling periodic tasks and reports.

  • Practice exercises and examples:

    • Example: Using cron and Python to schedule regular backups of your data.

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